
Introducing the filmmakers for the ninth event

Congrats to all participating filmmakers for the ninth event --- we watched under 20 seconds of your film to make sure there were images and ALL LOOK AWESOME!

Tony Anthony
Andrea Buckvold
Nick Collingwood
Ashley Cox Sullivan (x2)
Michael Cupola
Stasya Erickson and Andrew Erickson
Timothy Ferlito (x2)
Jennifer Jeffery
Juan Juarez
Zeno Levy
Jessica Matt
Maya McCallum
Stefanie Noble
Courtney Rile & Jordan Morton
Lucas Renswick
Will Ringwood
Brendan Rose
Erinrose Silky
Gregory Silky
Liam Stahl
Oleńka Szczurek, Lucas Renswick, & Brandon Webb
Ioana Turcan & Sean Henry Smith
Brandon Webb
Joshua Williams
Patrick Williams & Kelly Delevan (x2)
Cody Wolf